2019 加华艺术团颐康中心演出


加华艺术团2019年11月19日下午2:30-3:30,在Yeehong 颐康中心为需要长期护理的老人作今年第二场义务演出。



On November 19, 2019 the Jiahua Art Group performed its second compulsory performance of the year at the Yeehong Health Center for the elderly who are in need of long-term care.

The performances included Tai Chi classes; musical instrument classes; national dance classes; square dance classes; Latin dance classes and national standard dance classes.

Although they have an obligation to perform, the lineup was excellent and the classes were terrific. The show this year was just as successful as last time.

Many of the programs are played by teachers themselves, resulting in smiling faces from the elderly people.





On Oct 15, 2019, Jiahua Performing Arts Group participated in a special performance at the Yee Hong Senior Home for the elderly, many whom are in a wheelchair and/or require special care. During the one hour performance, the group performed 10 different forms of cultural dances and judging from the smiles and applauses from the audience, the performance was a great success.

The person who is in charge of the Yee Hong Senior Home gave a high evaluation and made an appointment for the next performance. Through this event, it was shown that the elderly in Jiahua not only pursue their own health and happiness, but also are involved in the community and serve their community with their talents.

京歌演唱 梨花颂(骆驼草)密市加华乐队伴奏


太极双扇 四十八式 密市加华太极班




▲由An Mong 提供