Thank you for your support!



Dear ,I cannot thank you enough for your generous donation to the Alberta Fires Appeal.

With your support, the Canadian Red Cross will be able to provide vital relief to those impacted by this worsening disaster.

Thank you again for making it possible for us to help Canadians in their time of need.

Please find your tax receipt attached.

Please note we are experiencing issues with receipts for users on Apple mobile and tablet devices. To view your receipt, please use another device or reply to this email and we will follow up directly. We appreciate your patience as we are experiencing longer than average delays due to the Alberta fires.

If you ever have questions about your donation, tax receipt or anything else about the Canadian Red Cross, please contact or call us at 1-800-418-1111.

Conrad Sauv&ecaute;
Conrad Sauvé
President and CEO
Canadian Red Cross

Official Donation Receipt 

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Special Event Notice



 为支援艾伯塔省麦克默里堡灾区居民,加华理事会决定于星期四 五月十二号 九至十二时 在社区设置募捐箱。希望大家都能微尽薄力,援助灾民渡过难关, 早日重返家园。所筹款项将全部转交给红十字会。



Special Event Notice:


To support Fort McMurray Alberta fire disaster relief efforts, Jiahua board of directors will set up donation box on Thursday May 12th 9-12 am. Please come and help our fellow Canadians at this difficult time. All donations will be forwarded to the Canadian Red Cross. Thank you in advance for your generosity.