




三)小班是指使用Studio room和conference room的普通班,在后疫情时间,新的一年里在会员大幅度减少,缴纳的会费不足于付老师费用,为了这些班能继续办下去,这些班加华将提供免费场地,但不付车马费,由老师和参加的会友共同商议,是否需要继续办下去。





Hi all,

 Hope you are doing well! I just wanted to let you know that we have another change to our screening process, we have an online screening tool that would need to be completed before entering the facility. This will replace us writing down names and phone numbers. Customers will need to show their completed screening on their phones when entering the facility. Please see the information below from a media release that went out this week:

NEW – Online Contact Tracing Form

Beginning Wednesday October 20, an online contact tracing form will be available for customers to complete on their mobile device prior to entering a City of Mississauga Recreation or Culture Location (as required). A link will be posted on the City of Mississauga

website in addition to a QR code that can be scanned directing customers to the online form. Customers will need to complete this form, as required by the Provincial Regulations, and provide this information prior to entering a City location. Staff will be able to assist those

without a mobile device in submitting the contact tracing.

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