协会成立以来,在加拿大政府和Frank Mckechnie Community Center 的支持下,在社区中心举办了各种文艺,体育,娱乐方面的训练课程,极大的丰富了社区老年人的生活。 目前每星期正常开课的有太极初,中级班,太极剑,扇班,民族舞初,中级班,排舞班,舞厅舞班,国标舞班,英文会话班,合唱班,二胡班,乐器合奏班,电脑入门班,国标麻将班,乒乓球活动等。各种班都有专业指导老师任教,具有较高的教学水平。加华老人活动中心是密市最大的,活动内容最丰富多彩的老人活动场所。现在每周参加各种班活动的人数,已经达到400人以上。参加者不仅有老年人,也有很多中年人和年青人参加;协会也不定期地举行老人健康,安全讲座;郊外旅游等活动。
协会经常受邀参加密西沙加市大型文化活动演出,连续多年参加密市Carassauga 多元文化节,密市中华艺术节的演出,密市老市长HAZEL McCALLION 在2010年亲自为我们的参与颁发奖状。协会也在重大节日的时候,举办大型联欢会,如加拿大老人节联欢会,圣诞节,新年联欢会,春节联欢会。
Mississauga Jiahua Chinese Senior Association
MJCSA was founded in 2007. In 2009 formal leadership was established and the Mississauga Jiahua Chinese Senior Association became incorporated. In 2013 the City of Mississauga approved our group‘s affiliation status with the Recreation Division. The directors and core membersof MJCSA are a group of talent senior volunteers. The purpose of the association is to promote the best interests of the seniors in Mississauga community and around area; to encourage seniors to use their wisdom, talent, skills, experience to contribute together to the social well-being of our community.
Started from 2007, with the help of the Government and the leaders of Frank Mckechnie Community Center, we have opened various training courses of culture, arts, sports, entertainment for community seniors weekly. They are Tai Chi for beginner; Tai Chi intermediate; Chinese folk Dance; Line Dance; Ball Room Dance; International Standard Dance; Painting; Calligraphy, Chorus; Chinese instruments ensemble; English Conversation, Computer for beginners etc. Now 15 courses are opened weekly.
Our instructors are professional and experienced. The courses attract more and more seniors. The number of participants for every week is over400. Now MJCSA became the fastest growing old adult group in the City.
Our group has always been invited to perform at Mississauga various cultural events, such as Carassauga Festival of Cultures, Mississauga Chinese Arts Festival etc. Every year we held big party to celebrate Christmas and New Year holiday; Chinese New Year. We also open workshop on senior’s health and safety.
We promote multi-culture activities, the participants are from different culture background. No matter who came from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan or other countries, all are welcome to join us to build up a harmonic community together.