2025 加华活动时间表/MJCSA Program Schedule
2022MJCSA年度工作报告 2023/04/06
2020-2021年由于疫情大流行,加华被迫停止所有活动.2022年,社区开始对公众开放,尽管大部分长者仍然生活在对疫情的恐怖之中,但是加华陆续恢复我们过去为长者所举办的各种娱乐健身活动班.随着疫情的好转,活动班从三个班增加到九个班; 会员总人数达到125人,每月参加活动的人数从年初296人次增加到678人次. 2022全年参加线下活动总人数达到3508人次.虽然和疫情之前相比仍然有差距,但下半年增加很快.
去年加华得到了联邦政府 老人活动基金支持,开始举办长者网上教学班.从六月开始,分别在夏季和秋季开办了两期网上教学班,有不同活动内容,由专业老师任教.免费向密市所有长者开放.当疫情阴霾仍然笼罩的时候,让许多身体有病不能参加实体活动长者,在家里锻炼和学习.6-12月共开办了8个教学班,总课时达150小时,参加人数共计1500人.由于申请的项目是线上和线下相结合的,目标是恢复疫情之前的长者正常活动,所以线上活动的同时,开办线下实体上课.做到线上学习,线下练习,取得良好的教学效果.全年线上线下参加活动总人次达到5008人,圆满实现了政府的要求.
这里我们要感谢加拿大联邦政府,密市政府和FMCC社区中心对我们的大力支持.特别是衷心感谢社区领导,对我们大力支持.我们的要求得到一一满足.无论是场地的租用,设备的使用和活动时提供的服务,例如;电视机的使用,乒乓球桌更新,还积极帮我们报销活动费用.我们要感谢加华的老师们,他们不畏疫情仍然存在,认真而且高质量的教学,是每个参加活动的学员收获很大; 感谢加华管理委员会的义工们,虽然很多人年龄很大,但坚持义务来社区服务我们的会友,花很多时间设计和实施新的活动项目,申请政府基金,和社区开会,商量和签订场地使用合同;改进和完善我们的网站;并在没有半职工作人员的情况下,分工合作,使加华管理不受影响;最后感谢我们的会友,积极参加加华成为我们大家庭中的一员,并和我们一起搞好加华活动.
2022 MJCSA Annual Work Report 2023/04/06
This is the 2022 Annual Report on the works done by the Mississauga Jiahua Chinese Senior Association in the year of 2022. Jiahua was forced to stop all activities in the years of 2020 to 2021 due to the pandemic. The community centers began to re-open to the public during the year of 2022; although there were still many elder people is still living in fear of the pandemic not willing to go to public sites. Jiahua has to gradually resume the various recreational and fitness activities to be held in the past. With the improvement of the epidemic cases, the number of activity classes started to increase from three classes to nine classes; the total number of members has reached to 125, and the monthly participants from the beginning of the year was increased from 296 to 678 at the end. During the year of 2022, the total number of people participated in the online Zoom classes has reached to 3508. In comparison with the pre-pandemic era, there is still a big shortcoming, but the number of participants started to increase in the second half of the year.
Last year (2022), Jiahua received the support of the Federal Government’s Elderly Activities Fund and began to hold online teaching classes for the elderly starting in June. Two different online courses were held in the summer and the autumn, and were instructed by the professional teachers. It is free to all the elderly in Mississauga and whoever is able to have the access to the online. When the haze of the pandemic is still shrouded, many elderly people who are sick and unable to participate in physical activities can exercise and study at home. From June to December in 2022, a total of 8 online classes was held, a total class time of 150 hours was used, and a total number of participants was 1500 People . Since the project being applied for is for the benefit of online and offline learning combination, and its goal is to restore the normal activities of the elderly before the pandemic by offering so at the online learning and the offline (on-site) practice. This combination of online & offline methods contributed that the total number of participants throughout the year has reached 5008 counts to fulfill the government requirements.
Last year, according to the requirements of the government, the Jiahua Executive Committee held a meeting to discuss and revise and improved the MJCSA Constitution. The main content is to increase the number of members to live in harmony, to respect each other, to protect the privacy, to avoid the conflicts of interest, to resolve complaints and to provide solutions. The following will explain and vote for the approval. Here we would like to thank the Canadian Federal government, Mississauga city government and FMCC The community center has given us great support. Especially heartfelt thanks to all community staff for your generously great support to accommodate our needs whether it is the rental of venues, the use of equipment and activities time. Also the services are provided, such as: the use of TV sets, the renewal of table tennis tables , and actively helped us to reimburse the cost of activities . We would like to thank all Jiahua Teachers, they are not afraid that the epidemic still exists , and their serious and high-quality teaching has greatly benefited every student who could participate in the activity; thank you to all Jiahua the volunteers of the management committee , although many of them are passing the golden age (65 to 75) , but still insist on volunteering to serve our members and spend a lot of time to design and to Implement new activity projects , to apply for government funds , to hold meetings with the community centers, to discuss and to sign on-site usage contracts ; to improve and to perfect our website . I in the absence of the part – time staff, the sharing of labor and cooperation will not affect the management of Jiahua. Finally, thank our members for actively participation in Jiahua to become a member of our big family, and we will do a good job with Jiahua activities together. In the new yea, Jiahua will continue to work hard to organize various activities at a high level, learn more about the needs of members, and help our teachers to resolve their concerns. To meet our teaching needs; to carry out party activities, so that our learning has a chance to show; the application for government funds is in progress, if approved many new activities will be added ; the spring online courses will continue to be held , focusing on subjects suitable for , such as electronic organ classes and chorus classes ; Compared with other Chinese groups , Jiahua has its own characteristics :
In the new yea, the Executive Committee also has problems. The Committee needs more younger seniors to participate, especially those with volunteering spirit to help to organize large-scale activities, and is fluent in English to assist to apply for government funds and to participate in the management roles. Jiahua is full of talent, so let us work together to make Jiahua a better place for seniors to meet together by becoming the best senior activity center in Mississauga.
Finally, I hope that in the new yea, Jiahua activities can bring health and happiness to all members, teachers and volunteers participating in Jiahua activities. Let’s make our retirement life more colorful.
Jiahua Executive Committee
地点:社区舞蹈房(studio room); 时间:每月第一,三周五1:00pm-3:00pm。项目负责人Thomas Han;John Zhao和Tom Chen,点歌机有多种语言歌曲, 欢迎加华唱歌爱好者积极参加。参加者须遵守以下规则:点歌台由John负责,不得自己点歌;请准备好演唱的歌曲名称,先行登记,以便查找;按登记先后次序演唱,不要插队。当别人演唱时,要保持安静。 演唱时可以跟随音乐跳舞,欢迎爱跳舞的会友参加。
2025 加华活动时间表/MJCSA Program Schedule
2025 加华活动时间表/MJCSA Program Schedule
6月13日下午,由社区组织,加华长者协会乒乓球队和Bristol Middle School进行了一场别开生面的友谊比赛,长者队对年轻队,不论输赢,只重交流,比赛在欢声笑语中结束。