

在加华成功举办2014,2015密市华人迎新年联欢会之后,2016-2017 “密市华人迎新年联欢会” 筹备工作已在紧锣密鼓地进行中。联欢会将于 Dec.18,2016, 7:00pm-9:30pm在Port Credit Secondary School 剧院举行。由孟慧芳,徐岚,王晓明,张艳,刘小莹组成的联欢会策划导演团队,已开始策划整台晚会节目。声乐组和舞蹈组 将推出他们精心准备的新节目,密市其他团体也将带来他们的精彩节目。

加华各个班的老师如有可以展现在舞台上的好节目,可以报上来。因时间关系不能所有报来的节目都能参演,我们将于Nov.26,下午2:00pm-6:00pm 在Glenforest secondary School 举行节目预演,由导演组进行评审。








告诉大家一个好消息,在联邦政府老人基金NHSP的支持和加华专业小组的努力下,加华空中课堂第一期从6月开始,向加华和社区长者免费开放. 地址:Zoom, ID 2906238049,  密码: 9


   1)瑜伽 。老师Rose,上课时间:每周周一上午11:00am (6月6日开始)


  2)民族舞提高班。老师季军,上课时间:每周一下午 7:00pm (6月13日开始)


   3)音乐 。老师 Elsa,上课时间:每周四下午1:00pm,(6月9日开始)



加华在Frank Mckechnie Community Center 开设的实体课程;太极,排舞,广场舞,合唱,国标舞,拉丁舞,瑜伽,乒乓球项目六月仍正常开放,但七月-八月夏季时间将暂停。九月将重新开始。即时将会把网上教学和实体课相结合。使长者们有更多的选择。



May 30,2022


2022 下半年 加华活动安排




请记住我们现有网上活动班Zoom ID 2906238049; 密码;9. 加华活动的最新情况请大家随时查看加华网站; www.test1.mjcsa.ca.

祝大家加拿大国庆日快乐! 七月我们网上见!



Dear Jiahua Friends:

In 2022, when the COVID-19 pandemic began to improve, Jiahua fully resumed the physical activities in the Jiahua community. Although the number of people participating was far less than before the pandemic, the activities have been proven to be safe over the past half year.  With the help of the community, the event venues were increased while avoiding over-crowding and implementing preventive measures to ensure the safety of the events. 

Because the community venue cannot be used during the summer, all Jiahua events will be temporarily suspended between the beginning of July 2022 and middle of September 2022. The schedule remains unchanged from previous years.

Jiahua received federal funding support this year, and the Jiahua online classes have been implemented. In June, online yoga classes, music classes, and folk dancing improvement classes have begun. The content is very exciting, and it has attracted many Jiahua members who cannot participate in physical classes. Starting in July, we will also have Tai Chi classes; line dance classes; square dance classes and Latin dance classes. The activity classes are free for new and old members of Jiahua and all interested people in the community. All activity classes are taught by professional and experienced teachers from Jiahua. All classes are free. We welcome members of Jiahua and invite your friends to actively participate, so that our retirement life will be healthy and full of vitality and happiness.

Please remember our existing online activity class Zoom ID 2906238049; password; 9. For the latest update of Jiahua activities, please check the Jiahua website at any time; www.test1.mjcsa.ca.

Happy Canada Day everyone! See you online in July!

Mississauga Jiahua Chinese Senior Association







三)小班是指使用Studio room和conference room的普通班,在后疫情时间,新的一年里在会员大幅度减少,缴纳的会费不足于付老师费用,为了这些班能继续办下去,这些班加华将提供免费场地,但不付车马费,由老师和参加的会友共同商议,是否需要继续办下去。





Hi all,

 Hope you are doing well! I just wanted to let you know that we have another change to our screening process, we have an online screening tool that would need to be completed before entering the facility. This will replace us writing down names and phone numbers. Customers will need to show their completed screening on their phones when entering the facility. Please see the information below from a media release that went out this week:

NEW – Online Contact Tracing Form

Beginning Wednesday October 20, an online contact tracing form will be available for customers to complete on their mobile device prior to entering a City of Mississauga Recreation or Culture Location (as required). A link will be posted on the City of Mississauga

website in addition to a QR code that can be scanned directing customers to the online form. Customers will need to complete this form, as required by the Provincial Regulations, and provide this information prior to entering a City location. Staff will be able to assist those

without a mobile device in submitting the contact tracing.

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2021 加华恢复活动


To all elderly friends who like Tai Chi, dancing, singing, and playing ping-pong, I would like to give you some good news.  As you know, due to the pandemic, Jiahua’s activities were cancelled for more than one and a half years. Now as the pandemic situation improves, with the joint efforts of the association and the community, the various activities in Jiahua will gradually return to normal (Please refer to the 2021 Jiahua  Autumn Event Schedule). Congratulations to everyone for passing the test of a rare pandemic in history, but you must know that fighting the disease ultimately depends on improving your physical fitness and self-immunity.  The purpose of the Jiahua events are to encourage the elders of Mississauga to participate in the events and become more active, healthy and happy after retirement.  I hope you will continue to participate in Jiahua’s events, and it will be you who will benefit in the end.  The pandemic has not completely disappeared, and the potential dangers still exist. I hope that when you come to participate in the events that you will strictly abide by all local and provincial COVID policies and follow all public health guidelines. Protecting yourself is also protecting everyone.  Jiahua is everyone’s Jiahua, and we also hope that everyone will make good suggestions for Jiahua activities in the post-pandemic  period. We will work together to continuously make Jiahua activities better.

Special Event Notice



 为支援艾伯塔省麦克默里堡灾区居民,加华理事会决定于星期四 五月十二号 九至十二时 在社区设置募捐箱。希望大家都能微尽薄力,援助灾民渡过难关, 早日重返家园。所筹款项将全部转交给红十字会。



Special Event Notice:


To support Fort McMurray Alberta fire disaster relief efforts, Jiahua board of directors will set up donation box on Thursday May 12th 9-12 am. Please come and help our fellow Canadians at this difficult time. All donations will be forwarded to the Canadian Red Cross. Thank you in advance for your generosity.



Replacing monthly pass with Presto Card on May 1st, 2016



Starting May 1st 2016, Mississauga Transit is replacing adult and senior monthly pass with Presto Card. Attached detail fee schedule for your convenience.

Music Show 春之声音乐会


2016年 3月20日 7:00PM – 9:30PM 加华举办“春之声音乐会”演出形式有独唱、二重唱、三重唱、组合表演唱及小合唱。


Music  lovers and all others are welcome to attend this event. It’s an opportunity for cultural exchange and enjoyment of music. Free admission.

Address:Square One Older Adults Center, Mississauga

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