2018 加华工作报告

各位会友,各位来宾 大家好!

2009年4月加华长者协会由五个义工发起,经政府批准正式成立,今年是加华长者协会正式成立十周年;这个月是安省老人月,今年老人月的主题: Aging strong: respect and protect seniors. 老当益壮;尊重和保护长者. 这正是加华活动的最终目的.今天在这个值得庆贺的时间,加华会友大会及安省老人月庆祝联欢会顺利召开了,借此机会给大家汇报一下去年的工作和财务状况..


1)加华 积极参加政府组织的社区会议;配合社区使加华活动符合政府要求, 因为良好的活动记录使得密市政府和社区领导继续大力支持我们的活动,提供足够的场地和服务,保证了我们活动顺利进行.

 2))开展长者喜爱的文化,娱乐,健身活动,高质量办好各种教学班,去年加华活动在没有政府基金的情况下,保持了活动不减少,会费不增加,每星期开放14个免费活动班,聘请优秀的专业老师指导, 教学质量不断提高. 加华值得骄傲的是我们有众多既专业又负责,不计报酬的好老师.好的老师加上好的场地,这是加华能经久不衰,越办越好的重要原因;

3)融入加拿大主流社会,弘扬中国文化,积极参与密市多元文化活动.积极参加公益演出.去年加华艺术团参加社区公益大型演出9次,广受好评.有巴基斯坦社区多元文化节;印度社区多元文化节;Dixie-Bloor社区夏季活动.密市Carassauga多元文化节;Brampton多元文化节;华人服务联盟外展活动,大瀑布多元文化节,云南同乡会新年联欢会,河北同乡会龙狮节);Brampton 老人院,这些演出是加华对社区多元文化活动的贡献。

 4)去年加华会员继续增长,有57位新会员参加, 参加活动总人数达到13096人次

5) 加华网站越办越好.谢谢我们网站管理员解曼曼,我们活动信息能及时上传到网上,以后也欢迎大家多拍一些加华活动照片,投稿到我们网站.


2)我们要感谢 密市政府和社区对我们的大力支持;给我们提供这么好的活动场地和服务.我们骄傲的是在大多地区只有加华能享受到这么好的福利.

3) 感谢加华管理委员会的成员们,他们在过去的一年,奉献了很多时间开管委会,社区会议,计划组织活动,维修采购活动使用的必需品,保证各项活动顺利进行.加华管委会成员来自中港台三地,大家齐心合力,有事一起开会商量,互相配合,从来没有争权夺利,内斗的事情发生,在我们加华既无权可争,也无利可图,只有一条愿意为大家做.

4)感谢加华的老师们他们不但身怀绝技,认真耐心教学,而且不计报酬. 这是加华活动能深受长者们喜爱的主要原因,加华老师既是指导老师,也是活动领导者.加华管委会会已经决定,老师是专项活动的领导者,每个活动班,学员必须服从老师的教学安排.

5)这里我们要感谢加华艺术团舞蹈组;太极组;加华乐队. 他们积极参加义务演出活动。并且认真准备,演出广受好评。很好的宣传了加华,展示了加华会员多才多艺和积极向上的精神面貌。



Hello to all members, visitors:

The Mississauga Jiahua Chinese Senior Association was to start 10 years ago and this year is the 10th anniversary. All this Jiahua Senior Association was originated in April 2009 by 5 volunteers and has been registered with the federal government as the not-for-profit organization. June is the Ontario Seniors month and the promotion is “Aging strong: respect and protect seniors” and is also the Jiahua goal as well. Today we celebrate our 10th anniversary, the Jiahua AGM and the Ontario Seniors month by listing what we have accomplished last year and the 2018 financial summary.

In the following goals are what Jiahua strongly believe:

  • Regular participation in the community center meetings: to meet the city government requirements on using the community center space for the activities. Maintaining and reporting the good attendance records to (FMCC) to encourage the city administrators to strongly support our events, to plan & to provide adequate space/ service to make all activities running smoothly.
  • Expansion of seniors favors: arts & culture, recreation, physical exercise, and keeping the high-calibers teachers. Last year without any government grant and without increasing the membership fee, all members can freely participate in any 14 available classes that are guided by the devoted and talented teachers. What make us proud are that Jiahua has so many good professional, responsible volunteer- teachers, and prime spaces available to us. That is the reason why Jiahua has such a good reputation.
  • Involvement in the main stream of Canadian society to promote Chinese arts & cultures by participating in Mississauga multi-cultural festivals. Actively participating in the public performance, last year Jiahua Performing Arts Group (affiliated with MJCSA) has attended 9 large public performances and received very favorable reviews. These performances include other culture community festivals such as: Pakistan Community multi-cultures festival, Indian Community multi-cultures festival, Dixie-Bloor community summer festival, Mississauga Carassauga multi-cultures festival, Brampton multi-cultures festival, Chinese Service Association activity event, Niagara Falls multi-cultures festival, Yunnan association New Year celebration, Huiba Lion Dance festival, Brampton Seniors Home. Here we express our sincere gratitude to our Jiahua Performing Arts Group that is composed of Chinese Folk-Dance, Tai-Chi and Music Instrument teams. These teams donated their time/ energy to perform in Mississauga and its surrounding cities to demonstrate Jiahua seniors’ talents and volunteer service.
  • Last year we have gained 57 new members and have a total of 13,096 person participations.
  • The official Jiahua web site (test1.mjcsa.ca) is getting better all the times and we are thankful to our web coordinator (Eva Tai). We can promptly update the activity message on time at the web site and welcome members to send their favored pictures & descriptions to Eva to upload to the web site.

Jiahua activities will become better all the times are because you as the member have put efforts. Here we congratulate everyone to be loyal to Jiahua for better or for worse to participate in our activities these years. The members love and affiliation will promote our association to the next higher level.

Points to be thankful:

  • We are very thankful to the City of Mississauga and Frank Mckechnie Community Center to fully support our seniors to provide such nice facility and service. It is very fortunate for us that we have received such VIP facility service that no other seniors associations could match.
  • To be thankful to all Executive Board members to devote their time to participate board meetings, to plan the schedule, to maintain/ purchase the necessities for the events, to ensure every event carry out smoothly. The board members come from China/Hong Kong / Taiwan to work together to deal with Jiahua events without personal agenda.
  • To be thankful to all teachers for their devotion on patiently teach us even we have such short memory and playful characters, for their leaderships to carry out all plans related from the Executive Board.
  • To be thankful to all unsung volunteers in each team for their assistance, and especially to those audio equipment controllers for their full attendance on any major event.

That is all for today AGM report, Thanks to everyone and please enjoy today’s performance.